The intention with this post is to describe the main
structure for chemical engineering students at UC Berkeley, University of Borås
and Chalmers University of Technology with emphasis on the course curriculum
and how this could impact the studies and the outcome. These are the
universities where I have the most experience from and they represent different
categories. UC Berkeley is American university which is covering many
disciplines including both humanities and science. By number, it has the
highest amount of PhD graduates in the US. Located in Sweden, University of
Borås has a high focus in undergraduate education in many disciplines but with
presence of higher level education as well.
Finally, Chalmers University of Technology (in Sweden) is a technical
(engineering), research oriented university with education in both
undergraduate and graduate levels.
System at UC Berkeley
The department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering runs
one undergraduate program in chemical engineering (there is also one 1-year
master program called Professional development program, PDP). All courses given
by the department are connected to the program. Some courses are mandatory (9
courses of the bachelor program are mandatory within chemical engineering and
additional 9 are mandatory within chemistry, physics and mathematics) and some
are electives. Normal pace is to take courses corresponding to 30 units every
year; given that the courses are mostly between 3 and 4 units this means 4
courses in parallel each semester. The system is very flexible and the student
has a high degree of freedom to choose among the broad spectrum of courses
offered at UC Berkeley but each course has a set of course requirements that
must be fulfilled before entering. There are additional constraints, making 19
units to be breadth electives (especially emphasis is made on American history
and culture) and the student has to manage the right amount of units within
engineering, chemistry and chemical engineering in the end to get the degree
(apart from the mandatory courses).
Roughly, there are
140 students pursuing a major in chemical engineering. It is possible to choose
the major in the second year but regarding chemistry related majors there are
some requirements already in the first year.
At university of Borås, a bachelor program in Chemical engineering with specialization in applied biotechnology is offered. It is a
three-year program and all courses are compulsory. The reason for the mandatory
courses is partly that this program is rather small (with a maximum intake of
about 30 students) and this is the only
program related to chemistry and partly that the bachelor degree is given in
three years and a number of requirements
must be fulfilled. The idea is that the program is niched and therefore
there is no need for further choices. Typically, the courses are 7.5 credits and
each semester is divided in two quarters where the total amount of credits for
a semester is 30. This means that two courses are taken in parallel. The
program is finalized with a 15 credit independently work (bachelor thesis). One
of the courses is given as a breadth course; products, processes and the
sustainable society. The university strives to include sustainable development
integrated into the regular courses. Two master programs in Resource recovery,
one directed towards industrial biotechnology and one directed towards
sustainable engineering are offered and can be an extension to the bachelor
System at Chalmers
University of Technology
Chalmers offer two kinds of undergraduate education in
chemical engineering. One program is the professional oriented bachelor program
and one is a candidate program. The bachelor program is limited to 25 students
and the candidate program is limited to 55 students. In this evaluation mainly the courses involved in the candidate program is considered. Additional to the pure
chemical engineering program there is a program in chemical engineering with
engineering physics with 35 students and one program in biotechnology with 60
students. The students on the candidate program are intended to pursue a
master’s program for two years after the candidate program. This is part of the
Bologna process that has been implemented for about 10 years.
The courses different in size but all should make up at
least 60 credits each year. The course year is divided in quarters with about
3-4 courses in parallel each quarter (the courses are usually between 3 and 7.5
credits). The program ends with a 15 credit project work that is performed in
groups of 3-4 students but individually graded. Special emphasis is made on
environment and sustainable development, where at least 7.5 credits should be
devoted into this area and the intention is to integrate the subject with
chemical engineering. There is not so much flexibility in the candidate or the bachelor
program. For the candidate program, 15 credits in the last semester are
available for free selection. However, 7.5 of these should be within the MTS
block (standing for human, technology and society). In addition to these 15
credits, 7.5 credits are free to choose as a specialization in either chemistry
or mathematical modeling. There are 10 different master’s programs available at
Chalmers after the candidate degree in chemical engineering (these master’s programs
are directly associated with the candidate program) but this is also an
opportunity, according to the Bologna process, to move to another university in
Sweden or in Europe. The students who have taken the bachelor degree are
expected to work in industry but can, after some additional courses, transfer
to some of the master’s programs.
Comparisons between
the systems
It is clear, that the three universities have different
approaches to the structure of programs. This is a reflection of how fast the
specialization should be made, what kind of free choices there are for the
students, other constraints (such as national constraints) and also about
student availability (that is how many students that the university can handle and
what kind of educational assignment agreed upon and how many students that are
applying and registered at the programs). The system at UC Berkeley involves the largest
degree of freedom for the student at the cost of one extra year. However, if
the students are to undertake graduate studies as PhD, this is the common
starting level. In Sweden, it is mainly desired that you have a master’s degree
before starting research in engineering. It is important to stress, that
learning is not something you only do at the university. This is something you
can do all the time but what the educational system provides is a methodology
and structure how to do this and also to provide a sounds basis as starting
point for further explorations.
Flexibility vs
What is the meaning of the education? Who is the receiver of
the education or with other words who will benefit from the education? Is that
strictly the student, the coming employer, the university or the country as a
whole and should they be considered equally important. With flexibility, it is
at first glance the student that will benefit due to a larger variety of
choices and a possibility of exploring areas of different interests. Most
likely this will be following the student all the life and therefore also
benefit in all subsequent steps, however the benefit might not be so obvious for
the early phase of an industrial case. Specialization, on the other hand, means
that the student is more attractive by an employer (it is easier to know what
to expect from the newly graduated) but with the drawback of becoming narrower and
therefor have a lesser match with random employers (this can be handled by a
larger number of programs and good information). The following figure
represents schematically how the depth and breadth are progressing in each of
the chemical engineering programs (in the graph the following weight factors
have been used for each subject; science course 1.4:1.4, breadth course 2:0,
Engineering course 0.9:1.8 and, finally, Chemical Engineering course 0:2 where
the numbers represent breadth:depth and the course credits are divided by the total
number of course credits each year). The line represents equal emphasis on
breadth and depth and is only there for visual aid.
Visualization of breadth vs depth at three chemical engineering programs |
As can be seen in the figure, the three educations are
rather similar in the first year where Chalmers is showing more breadth due to
its integrated courses between specialized subject chemical engineering and the
more holistic perspectives from environmental and sustainability. This is
something that can be seen throughout the program. It is also noteworthy, that
the smaller university with fewer choices shows the highest amount of specialization
(even though the difference is rather small). Looking at UC Berkeley, it is
clear that the extra year gives the student a more depth as well as a better
breadth. As a comparison, Chalmers and
Borås are also listed after completion of their master’s program. It can be
seen the amount of specialization during these (higher slope) but also that the
ending position is quite different. The small university has even more
pronounced specialization and the larger university shows high numbers in both
depth and breadth.
3 or 4 year program
Four years program provides longer time to educate the
student and to foster him or her into critical thinking and judgment and also
to show ability to understand new concepts. The benefit with the shorter
program is that the student doesn’t have to spend longer time than necessary
before he or her will become available for the work market and thus become
productive. It is beyond no doubts that students are able to nourish their
interests (apart from chemical engineering or what subject they might take) on
the time between classes or after they finished the education and by that
complete the whole person. The crucial point is to have enough time to let
critical thinking appear because this can be implemented in almost all
occasions and areas. It is not what particular parts you remember that counts
it is what you have knowledge in and how to handle knowledge that is important.
It is also a matter of choice and when to make the choice.
Is the choice made before the university studies or are they made after you
have started? Students, who are clear about in what field they want to work, are
more focused on the actual core subjects than students that have not made up
their mind at the start. It is therefore likely that the system which allows
for a later choice can benefit students who have not decided their career path
early but do so at the expense of an extra year at the university.
Long or short courses
Different strategies regarding the length of each course is
employed by the universities where Sweden aim at having shorter courses (each
semester is divided into two quarters) but when needed it is possible to prolong
a course so it last for two quarters. The shorter courses gives a higher flexibility
but is more demanding on the students because the subject changes more often
and you need to understand the demands from each new course. However, changing
subjects after 8-10 weeks can also be refreshing, giving an opportunity for a
new start. No obvious advantage of either system can be seen and this tends to
be more of an overall administrative question for the university.
Courses with different
amount of credits
In general, this is seen for most universities and reflects
the origin of each course and its content. The main problem with different
amount of credits is that the course with low amount is tended to be more
overlooked and not prioritized especially by the students. It became clear that
courses selected outside the main areas (core courses or courses within the
major) the tendency is that the teachers on the core subject are diminishing
the other course if there are any collision (two classes at the same time)
which puts the student in a delicate situation (on one hand the core courses
are within the major and therefore of most importance but on the other hand all
course requirement must be fulfilled in order to get a degree and hence it is possible
to argue that they should be equally important).
What can we learn
from this?
On planning the course curriculum, it is necessary to
fulfill the national requirements and to follow the standards expected from
society (such as length of education etc.). Both systems have its advantages
and disadvantages when regarding the students and the outcome of the education.
One of the key elements in the educational system at UC
Berkeley is the wish of educating the whole human which would lead to a broader
wisdom and better problem solving skills. There is a delicate balance of the
overall education for more knowledge and the usefulness of the student after
graduation. We see a trend toward more industrial elements in the courses and
for one of the courses (Process design, CBE160) it is even spoken out that it
should be taught by industrial experienced teachers.
It is important to stress that the university programs are
not intended to be the end of learning but rather should be seen as the formation
of a sound base from with further insights in various areas can be gained and
incorporated. We want to make sure that the student has such ability after the
graduation and the educational systems are made to educate and evaluate this
ability. At the same time, it is the duty of the university to provide the
different sectors (academia, community and trade and industry in this
particular case) with the necessary skills to be useful (the sooner the
Regardless of system used, it is crucial for the universities
to motivate and engage the students for their coming challenges. They represent
a huge asset not only today but mainly for the future.
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